Information and Consultation

The project has been lead by Sindicato das Indústrias Metalúrgicas e Afins (SIMA), in collaboration with other employers’ associations and trade unions from all over Europe – Hungary, Macedonia, Albania, Portugal, Turkey, North Montenegro, Bulgaria, Austria, Slovenia and Malta – with the aim of sharing knowledge and expertise on Information & Consultation processes in the participating countries – the challenges and best practices, legislation, role of social dialogue and collective bargaining, etc.

The first activity of the project has been the collection of data on the Information and Consultation processes from all participating countries. This has been done through a questionnaire which has been distributed amongst the partners. Employers’ associations explained legislation and employers’ views, while trade unions obtained information from workers and trade unionists by distributing a survey. Information collected has been discussed in local workshops held in every participating country. The workshop of Malta was held in July 2019, with representatives of SIMA, GWU and MEA – agenda attached. The local partners have also invited employers, workers and trade unionists to discuss issues related to Information and Consultation, Employees’ Participation, New Forms of Work and Transnational Agreements.

Some interviews can be viewed here:

With the break of the pandemic, all meetings were transferred online. We have taken this opportunity to increase the number of activities related to Information and Consultation by holding several meetings to see how companies in different countries are informing and consulting with their workers on issues being raised by COVID-19. Employers’ representatives kept each other informed of the grants being provided by government, social dialogue at national level and information sharing with members. Trade unions raised issues that workers are facing due to the pandemic – lack of income, forces leave, mental health, and the important roles of company representatives.

Some of the presentations delivered can be viewed here:

Dra Ana Oliveira Human Resources Director at HITACHI Automative Systems Ltd – The role of Employees’ Information and Consultation at HITACHI

Bernard Daly – Unite – Ireland – Role of Financial Participation in time of COVID 19 – Restrict Metting (Hybrid) 24 of October 2020

Anders Andersson – Nordic-In Officer – Company Policy – The role of social dialogue in the Nordic Countries – the importance of collective bargaining

The conclusions of the project will be used to assist the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2021, that will also be targeting this subject by discussing it through the Pillar of Social Rights. National Agreements are being drafted by employers’ association and trade unions, showing the direction of the social partners in Information and Consultation process – what is being achieved, challenges being met, positions, etc. Proposals presented will assist the EU Commission and Council of the EU to continue building on the Directives in existence.