OHS Regulations
Risk Assessment Guidelines
A Risk Assessment Essentials guidelines issued by the European Agency for Safety and Health. The following are some useful information found on the guidelines:
What is a hazard?
What is a risk?
Why and how should I carry out a risk assessment?
How can I carry out a risk assessment?
To find out more, download the following documents: Part I – II and Part III – IV
Legal Notices
GOVERNMENT NOTICE 497 of 1953, as amended by Act XLIV of 1965; Legal Notices 64 of 1966, 122 of 1977; Act XXVII of 1991; Legal Notice 114 of 1999; and Act XV of 2009. Dock Safety Regulations
GOVERNMENT NOTICE 497 of 1953 and LEGAL NOTICES 44 of 1960, 73 and 95 of 1968, 33 of 1976 and 49 of 1982, as amended by Act XXVII of 2000, consolidated. Work Places (Extension of Definition) Order