The Malta Employers’ Association makes no warranties whatsoever, of any kind, regarding accuracy of the information provided, on its website or sub-websites. All liability deriving from any inaccuracies, whether technical or typographical, is hereby expressly excluded to the maximum extent allowed by the Laws of Malta.

Except in the eventuality of loss or damage caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct on MEA Secretariat’s part, the Malta Employers’ Association shall not be held liable in respect of any contents of the Site. All information on the Malta Employers’ Association is for general information and guidance and is subject to change.

The Malta Employers’ Association shall not be held liable for damages resulting from third party services over which MEA has no reasonable control.

The Malta Employers’ Association reserves the right to amend or suspend whether temporarily or indefinitely the use of the site or sub-websites, with or without giving prior notice.

Governing Law

The terms and conditions shall be construed, interpreted and governed by the Laws of Malta. Making use of the site and sub-websites is an inference that you have accepted both the terms and Maltese law as the governing law. The Maltese law courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims or disputes in relation to or in connection with the site and these terms and conditions.