A webinar held by the MEA on Thursday 22nd April focused on the White Paper on Cannabis – Implications for the Workplace. The event was opened by Ms. Joanne Bondin – MEA President, and was followed by presentations by Joseph Farrugia (Director General – MEA), Dr. Mark Gauci (CEO, OHSA), and Ms. Marica Cassar (Caritas).



The Malta Employers’ Association in collaboration with the Foundation for Transport is organising a webinar entitled Sustainable Transport and Businesses, to be organised on Tuesday 23 March between 11.00-12.00.

The webinar aims to instigate discussion amongst employers in the private sector about the challenges and opportunities being faced when dealing with transport. Nearly all sectors deal with some form of transport – whether being a company that forms part of the sector itself, or be it a company that offers delivery of goods, companies dealing with importation and exportation. There needs to be a discussion on the push towards investment in new RES technologies and its implications, the introduction of green taxes, as well as re-skilling and training.

Click here to view the full Agenda.

Register at https://forms.gle/nNh23TMkWSYPrgKQ9

The Malta Employers’ Association is aware that there are a number of issues that are affecting employers with respect to the vaccination of employees. We are holding a webinar on the 9th April to  provide answers where these are available, and to identify any possible actions that we may take with the authorities to seek solutions. We have also made a formal request to the Employment Relations Board to include this topic in its agenda, as some actions may require a legal framework to back them up.
This seminar will be addressed by members of the MEA secretariat, and also by officials from the DIER, the OHSA and the Public Health Authorities. We encourage you view the programme here and to attend by registering on: https://forms.gle/et6mMPfWVoeYSLq66. This session is important to keep you informed about the latest developments and to give you the opportunity to be involved in the discussion with  the authorities. 

The Malta Employers’ Association in collaboration with New Horizons Institute for Work Competencies shall be holding a webinar for HR and Line Managers to present the training programme starting in 2021 in Leading People at the Workplace on Tuesday, 12 January 2021 at noon.

Click here to view the brochure.

To register for the free virtual event, please go to: https://forms.gle/jrtuSJNK8jk1fYNk9

Further information on how to join the virtual event, will be shared with you upon your registration.

The Malta Employers’ Association in collaboration with GWU, Malta Chamber of Commerce, Richmond Foundation and Working Town will be leading a webinar on Mental Wellbeing and Healthy Workplaces on Thursday, 19th November between 15:00-16:00pm.

Mr Joseph Farrugia, Director General at MEA will be delivering an intervention on MEA’s work in this area and Ms Dolores Sammut Bonnici, President at MEA will be participating in a panel discussion with other employers, HR managers and employment lawyers.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions related to the topic – prevention, cost of therapy, having a referral system, productivity, policies, colleagues support, etc.

 Join us by registering on the following link.


The Malta Employers’ Association is organising an interactive webinar on the ‘Right to Disconnect’, on Wednesday, 25th November 2020 from 10.00-11.00am.

The main speaker is going to be MEP Alex Agius Saliba who was responsible for the Motion for the EU Parliament resolution with recommendations to the Commission (2019/2181(INL)) https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2014_2019/plmrep/COMMITTEES/EMPL/PR/2020/09-07/1209335EN.pdf  Employers will have time to pose their questions during the webinar.

Click here to view the programme.

Kindly register on https://forms.gle/xWERmySM1ixbyMXN6 by Monday, 23rd November at till noon.

Should you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact us.


The Malta Employers’ Association in collaboration with FORUM Malta is organizing a webinar on the ‘EU’s Green Deal’.

The webinar will be held virtually on GoogleMeet, on Tuesday 15th September from 10.00-11.30am.

The EU’s Green Deal, announced by the European Commission in December 2019, commits the EU to becoming climate-neutral by 2050 whilst promising to help companies to become world leaders in clean products and green technologies. The Green Deal possess a number of strategies and regulations which each Member State will have to abide to. Thus, we are inviting you to get yourself informed and voice your company’s needs in this webinar.

This webinar will be lead by both local and EU speakers from DG Environment, CEEP, ETUC, UoM and Ministry for the Environment. Business representatives will be given the opportunity to ask questions in an allocated time-frame, and participate in a poll which will be administered through Mentimeter. Click here to view the Agenda.

Kindly register here: https://forms.gle/dc9KyF5ccLZ5Maju7 by Friday 11th September, end of business.

The Malta Employers’ Association is organising a Webinar: Refugees at Work – All you need to know on Tuesday, 28 July from 10am to 11.45am.

Click here to view the agenda. To register for the free virtual event, please go to: https://forms.gle/Qh3FjNGV2hvjqzZn7

Further information on how to join the virtual event, will be shared with you upon your registration.

The Malta Employers’ Association is organising a Webinar: Regeneration Measures by Malta Enterprise on Tuesday, 14 July from 10am to 11am.

Click here to view the agenda. To register for the free virtual event, please click here.

Further information on how to join the virtual event, will be shared with you upon your registration.

The Malta Employers’ Association is organising a webinar on Updates on Malta Enterprise measures related to COVID19 on Friday, 5 June 2020 from 10am to 11am.

Click here to view the agenda. To register for the free virtual event, please click here.

Further information on how to join the virtual event, will be shared with you upon your registration.